This function implements model-consistent Lasso estimation through the bootstrap. It supports parallel processing by way of the future package, allowing the user to flexibly specify many parallelization methods. This method was developed as a variable-selection algorithm, but this package also supports making ensemble predictions on new data using the bagged Lasso models.
n.boot = 100,
progress = TRUE,
implement = c("glmnet", "gamlr"),
x = NULL,
y = NULL,
fast = FALSE,
- formula
An optional object of class formula (or one that can be coerced to that class): a symbolic description of the model to be fitted. Can be omitted when
are non-missing.- data
An optional object of class data.frame that contains the modeling variables referenced in
. Can be omitted whenx
are non-missing.- n.boot
An integer specifying the number of bootstrap replicates.
- progress
A boolean indicating whether to display progress across bootstrap folds.
- implement
A character; either 'glmnet' or 'gamlr', specifying which Lasso implementation to utilize. For specific modeling details, see
.- x
An optional predictor matrix in lieu of
.- y
An optional response vector in lieu of
.- fast
A boolean. Whether or not to fit a "fast" bootstrap procedure. If
fast == TRUE
will fit glmnet::cv.glmnet on the entire dataset. It will then fit all bootstrapped models with the value of lambda (regularization parameter) that minimized cross-validation loss in the full model. Iffast == FALSE
(the default),bolasso
will use cross-validation to find the optimal lambda for each bootstrap model.- ...
Additional parameters to pass to either
An object of class bolasso
. This object is a list of length
of cv.glmnet
or cv.gamlr
See also
glmnet::cv.glmnet and gamlr::cv.gamlr for full details on the
respective implementations and arguments that can be passed to ...
mtcars[, c(2, 10:11)] <- lapply(mtcars[, c(2, 10:11)], as.factor)
idx <- sample(nrow(mtcars), 22)
mtcars_train <- mtcars[idx, ]
mtcars_test <- mtcars[-idx, ]
## Formula Interface
# Train model
bolasso_form <- bolasso(
form = mpg ~ .,
data = mtcars_train,
n.boot = 20,
nfolds = 5
#> Loaded glmnet 4.1-8
# Retrieve a tidy tibble of bootstrap coefficients for each covariate
#> # A tibble: 20 × 19
#> id Intercept cyl4 cyl6 cyl8 disp hp drat wt qsec
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 boot1 33.2 0 -1.49 0 0 -0.0379 0 -2.43 0
#> 2 boot2 31.8 2.48 0 -1.50e+0 0 -0.00705 0 -3.70 0
#> 3 boot3 22.0 5.55 0 0 0 -0.0134 0 -0.911 0
#> 4 boot4 27.0 0 -1.22 9.70e-1 0 -0.0840 1.08e+0 0 0
#> 5 boot5 22.7 0 0 0 -0.00680 -0.0365 1.65e+0 -0.654 0
#> 6 boot6 31.0 1.52 0 0 0 -0.0201 0 -2.96 0
#> 7 boot7 14.3 1.86 0 -1.26e+0 0 -0.00539 7.41e+0 0 -0.780
#> 8 boot8 17.7 1.93 0 0 0 0 9.43e-1 -2.24 0.393
#> 9 boot9 36.1 0.998 -0.109 0 0 -0.0295 0 -3.63 0
#> 10 boot… 28.3 3.42 0 0 0 0 0 -3.13 0
#> 11 boot… 22.0 4.41 0 0 0 0 2.82e+0 -0.617 -0.690
#> 12 boot… 7.85 0.894 0 -2.71e+0 0 0 3.54e+0 0 0
#> 13 boot… 9.33 2.58 0 -9.25e-1 0 0 0 -0.701 0.401
#> 14 boot… 8.65 0 0 -5.72e-1 0 0 2.59e+0 0 0
#> 15 boot… 23.0 2.40 0 -3.00e-4 0 -0.0355 0 0 0
#> 16 boot… 24.3 0.460 0 -3.01e-1 -0.0107 0 1.96e-4 -1.15 0
#> 17 boot… 22.2 2.68 0 -1.76e+0 -0.00510 0 0 -1.05 0
#> 18 boot… 33.7 1.08 0 0 0 -0.0256 0 -3.20 0
#> 19 boot… 30.8 1.84 0 0 0 -0.0244 0 -2.78 0
#> 20 boot… 25.9 0 0 -2.67e+0 -0.00332 -0.00989 4.77e-1 -1.69 0
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: vs <dbl>, am <dbl>, gear4 <dbl>, gear5 <dbl>,
#> # carb2 <dbl>, carb3 <dbl>, carb4 <dbl>, carb6 <dbl>, carb8 <dbl>
# Extract selected variables
selected_variables(bolasso_form, threshold = 0.9, select = "lambda.min")
#> # A tibble: 20 × 1
#> id
#> <chr>
#> 1 boot1
#> 2 boot2
#> 3 boot3
#> 4 boot4
#> 5 boot5
#> 6 boot6
#> 7 boot7
#> 8 boot8
#> 9 boot9
#> 10 boot10
#> 11 boot11
#> 12 boot12
#> 13 boot13
#> 14 boot14
#> 15 boot15
#> 16 boot16
#> 17 boot17
#> 18 boot18
#> 19 boot19
#> 20 boot20
# Bagged ensemble prediction on test data
predict(bolasso_form, = mtcars_test,
select = "lambda.min")
#> boot1 boot2 boot3 boot4 boot5 boot6
#> Mazda RX4 23.53203 21.31155 20.38801 22.290720 22.27351 21.94408
#> Datsun 710 26.39838 25.65987 30.73719 27.331865 23.36205 24.69222
#> Duster 360 15.27134 15.34670 13.64426 8.423965 14.22472 15.46800
#> Merc 240D 23.13465 22.65999 27.44668 21.980070 23.39864 21.78321
#> Merc 280 18.72157 18.82589 18.99172 17.249912 21.24348 18.30049
#> Honda Civic 29.66803 28.55722 31.92853 28.131520 27.31862 27.60294
#> Toyota Corolla 28.63992 27.65163 31.55401 30.084933 25.56220 26.69050
#> Camaro Z28 14.61451 14.34784 13.39836 8.986365 14.97222 14.66826
#> Pontiac Firebird 17.25657 14.82313 16.19174 12.794893 16.11565 16.05771
#> Maserati Bora 14.18150 14.71184 17.21216 8.396929 11.88185 14.61647
#> boot7 boot8 boot9 boot10 boot11 boot12 boot13
#> Mazda RX4 21.42965 18.82831 23.22819 20.14767 15.38615 21.52801 20.42563
#> Datsun 710 31.17257 25.62445 25.92730 24.50229 26.38631 26.26061 29.43843
#> Duster 360 13.31440 15.80368 15.89598 17.17782 15.19136 12.60124 10.22709
#> Merc 240D 23.64343 21.01089 23.67867 21.78253 24.44045 21.91810 26.32699
#> Merc 280 18.29764 17.98024 19.86190 17.58422 18.97526 17.93253 17.81826
#> Honda Civic 35.80988 25.13158 29.70004 26.70624 29.92394 30.08307 32.93965
#> Toyota Corolla 33.05723 27.56742 28.51666 26.01848 26.83720 27.57016 30.29603
#> Camaro Z28 17.50096 15.51962 14.91479 16.33376 16.78562 14.44168 9.86533
#> Pontiac Firebird 17.97528 15.62626 16.96378 16.31812 16.54070 16.04707 15.59535
#> Maserati Bora 20.20025 17.60688 13.24071 17.30561 19.69561 21.45137 17.86446
#> boot14 boot15 boot16 boot17 boot18 boot19 boot20
#> Mazda RX4 20.96366 23.00697 19.63938 20.72184 22.53705 21.92048 21.68905
#> Datsun 710 29.04419 26.01095 21.00265 25.77933 25.60174 25.00468 22.52004
#> Duster 360 12.14012 14.26750 16.01328 14.81375 15.41257 14.91257 15.08037
#> Merc 240D 22.16729 23.64211 19.49836 23.43581 22.98283 22.26822 21.15043
#> Merc 280 18.50003 19.07564 18.52614 19.48435 18.95140 18.24974 20.15770
#> Honda Civic 31.84528 27.46691 22.16310 27.58397 28.90394 27.96428 24.74005
#> Toyota Corolla 30.00382 27.00526 21.95821 26.47687 27.86820 27.03570 23.91624
#> Camaro Z28 13.48879 14.26750 15.80876 14.58134 14.54991 14.16212 14.90464
#> Pontiac Firebird 16.06674 16.75329 15.26705 15.22047 16.91750 15.85567 15.11960
#> Maserati Bora 24.75042 14.54118 16.73050 17.24715 14.33267 13.79177 14.54958
## Alternate Matrix Interface
# Train model
bolasso_mat <- bolasso(
x = model.matrix(mpg ~ . - 1, mtcars_train),
y = mtcars_train[, 1],
data = mtcars_train,
n.boot = 20,
nfolds = 5
# Bagged ensemble prediction on test data
predict(bolasso_mat, = model.matrix(mpg ~ . - 1, mtcars_test),
select = "lambda.min")
#> boot1 boot2 boot3 boot4 boot5 boot6
#> Mazda RX4 23.53203 21.31155 20.38801 22.290720 22.27351 21.94408
#> Datsun 710 26.39838 25.65987 30.73719 27.331865 23.36205 24.69222
#> Duster 360 15.27134 15.34670 13.64426 8.423965 14.22472 15.46800
#> Merc 240D 23.13465 22.65999 27.44668 21.980070 23.39864 21.78321
#> Merc 280 18.72157 18.82589 18.99172 17.249912 21.24348 18.30049
#> Honda Civic 29.66803 28.55722 31.92853 28.131520 27.31862 27.60294
#> Toyota Corolla 28.63992 27.65163 31.55401 30.084933 25.56220 26.69050
#> Camaro Z28 14.61451 14.34784 13.39836 8.986365 14.97222 14.66826
#> Pontiac Firebird 17.25657 14.82313 16.19174 12.794893 16.11565 16.05771
#> Maserati Bora 14.18150 14.71184 17.21216 8.396929 11.88185 14.61647
#> boot7 boot8 boot9 boot10 boot11 boot12 boot13
#> Mazda RX4 21.42965 18.82831 23.22819 20.14767 15.38615 21.52801 20.42563
#> Datsun 710 31.17257 25.62445 25.92730 24.50229 26.38631 26.26061 29.43843
#> Duster 360 13.31440 15.80368 15.89598 17.17782 15.19136 12.60124 10.22709
#> Merc 240D 23.64343 21.01089 23.67867 21.78253 24.44045 21.91810 26.32699
#> Merc 280 18.29764 17.98024 19.86190 17.58422 18.97526 17.93253 17.81826
#> Honda Civic 35.80988 25.13158 29.70004 26.70624 29.92394 30.08307 32.93965
#> Toyota Corolla 33.05723 27.56742 28.51666 26.01848 26.83720 27.57016 30.29603
#> Camaro Z28 17.50096 15.51962 14.91479 16.33376 16.78562 14.44168 9.86533
#> Pontiac Firebird 17.97528 15.62626 16.96378 16.31812 16.54070 16.04707 15.59535
#> Maserati Bora 20.20025 17.60688 13.24071 17.30561 19.69561 21.45137 17.86446
#> boot14 boot15 boot16 boot17 boot18 boot19 boot20
#> Mazda RX4 20.96366 23.00697 19.63938 20.72184 22.53705 21.92048 21.68905
#> Datsun 710 29.04419 26.01095 21.00265 25.77933 25.60174 25.00468 22.52004
#> Duster 360 12.14012 14.26750 16.01328 14.81375 15.41257 14.91257 15.08037
#> Merc 240D 22.16729 23.64211 19.49836 23.43581 22.98283 22.26822 21.15043
#> Merc 280 18.50003 19.07564 18.52614 19.48435 18.95140 18.24974 20.15770
#> Honda Civic 31.84528 27.46691 22.16310 27.58397 28.90394 27.96428 24.74005
#> Toyota Corolla 30.00382 27.00526 21.95821 26.47687 27.86820 27.03570 23.91624
#> Camaro Z28 13.48879 14.26750 15.80876 14.58134 14.54991 14.16212 14.90464
#> Pontiac Firebird 16.06674 16.75329 15.26705 15.22047 16.91750 15.85567 15.11960
#> Maserati Bora 24.75042 14.54118 16.73050 17.24715 14.33267 13.79177 14.54958