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bolasso 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2024-12-08

New Features

  • Fast Estimation Mode:
    • bolasso() gains a fast argument which optimizes computation by using a single cross-validated regression on the entire dataset to determine the optimal regularization parameter (lambda). This approach bypasses the need for cross-validation within each bootstrap replicate, drastically reducing computation time, especially beneficial for large datasets or when using a high number of bootstrap replicates.

      # Fast mode reduces computation time by using a single cross-validated lambda
      model_fast <- bolasso(
      diabetes ~ .,
      data = train,
      n.boot = 1000,
      progress = FALSE,
      family = "binomial",
      fast = TRUE
  • Enhanced Variable Selection Methods:
    • selected_vars() is now a shorthand for selected_variables().

    • selected_variables()/selected_vars() supports two variable selection algorithms via the method argument: the Variable Inclusion Probability (VIP) method and the Quantile (QNT) method. The VIP method selects variables that appear in a high percentage of bootstrap models, while the QNT method selects variables based on bootstrap confidence intervals. Set method = "vip" or method = "qnt", respectively.

      # Select variables using the VIP method with a 95% threshold
      selected_vars_vip <- selected_variables(model, threshold = 0.95, method = "vip")
      # Select variables using the QNT method
      selected_vars_qnt <- selected_variables(model, threshold = 0.95, method = "qnt")
  • Tidy Method for Bolasso Objects:
    • tidy() extracts a tidy tibble summarizing bootstrap-level coefficients for each covariate. This method provides a clean and organized way to inspect model coefficients.

      # Extract a tidy tibble of coefficients
      tidy_coefs <- tidy(model, select = "lambda.min")
  • Variable Selection Visualization:
    • plot_selection_thresholds() provides a visual representation of the selection thresholds for each variable. This visualization helps users understand the stability and robustness of variable selection across different thresholds and methods.

      # Visualize selection thresholds for variables
      plot_selection_thresholds(model, select = "lambda.min")


  • Plotting Coefficient Distributions:
    • plot_selected_variables() visualizes the coefficient distributions for only the selected variables. This function provides a focused view of the most relevant variables in the model.

      # Plot coefficient distributions for selected variables
      threshold = 0.95,
      method = "vip",
      select = "lambda.min"
    • plot visualizes the coefficient distributions for all model covariates.

      # Plot coefficient distributions for selected variables
      plot(model, select = "lambda.min")

bolasso 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2022-05-09

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • bolasso() argument form has been renamed to formula to reflect common naming conventions in R statistical modeling packages.
  • predict() and coef() methods are now implemented using future.apply::future_lapply allowing for computing predictions and extracting coefficients in parallel. This may result in slightly worse performance (due to memory overhead) when the model/prediction data is small but will be significantly faster when e.g. generating predictions on a very large data-set.
  • Solved an issue with bolasso() argument formula. The user-supplied value of formula is handled via deparse() which has a default width.cutoff value of 60. This was causing issues with formulas by splitting them into multi-element character vectors. It has now been set to the maximum value of 500L which will correctly parse all lengths of formulas.
  • predict() now forces evaluation of the formula argument in the bolasso() call. This resolves an issue where, if a user passes a formula via a variable, predict() would pass the variable name to the underlying prediction function as opposed to the actual formula.